We have talked about probiotics in a nutritional sense for years and the importance of a balanced flora, but now it’s a buzz word in skincare world too. Fermented skin care has been all the rage in Korea for some time, and we love everything skin related to leave there at the moment, however these are not completely new findings!

We don’t really think of our skin being covered in bacteria, especially in such an “antibacterial” obsessed nation. Our skin has good bacteria, just like the gut, and its responsible for protecting us against bad bacteria, which can cause chronic skin conditions such as, acne, eczema, psoriasis, rosacea and inflamed skin. Any products which help support the barrier function and equilibrium will help to repair and balance upset, stressed out acid mantles.


We are constantly attacking our “friendly bacteria” with the use of antibiotics, poor diet, anti-bacterial or stripping products, smoking, sun, and overuse& incorrect application of actives such as strong acids. Our skin loves balance and homeostasis, yet we often unknowingly attack our protective layer, that is often considered full of “dead skin cells” yet stripping our outer layer of these cells completely mean external stressors can get through and upset the apple cart, leading to inflammation and reactions.

Pro and prebiotics ingredients help create surface balance, soothing & calming a previously “hard hit” skin, leaving a clear, more happy, chilled skin.


I see more and more clients at the moment with really inflamed skin, which I think is due to over-use ofretinoids and home peels etc, which are all so readily available now. They give a fab, practically instant, result, that clients then cannot get enough of. Thing is they do not continue to give results until you look 20 years your junior, they will then enter the dangerous area of over exfoliation and destruction of the skins barrier, and good bacteria, leaving inflamed, red, skin that’s highly reactive, dull, shrivelled, and unable to use any actives without a flare up! Pro-biotics are a lovely natural way to balance, and repair the acid mantle, giving the skin its weapons to fight infection! Our skin is really clever, it just needs a helping hand at times when we are hitting it from all directions!

Probiotics are living “good bacteria” found on skin. Prebiotics are “food” for our probiotics (non living). Prebiotics feed and encourage growth of our own natural probiotics. Both will help to calm and sooth irritated skins. The skin and gut are so closely linked, so next time you consider taking a pro biotic supplement to balance inside, think about a pro biotic for out-side too.

Great pre/pro biotic brands that actually work:


Want to know more, get in touch I’d love to chat to you.

Pamela Holmes

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